Kaitlin McLean McMahan Kaitlin McLean McMahan

Beer to Bags Sews the Way to Sustainability

I love learning about companies that align with my interests, and I love even more telling others about them. I was thrilled to discover Beer to Bags about a month ago. This is a company and product I can really get behind. It combines two of my favorite things: beer and sustainability!

Beer to Bags is based on a brilliant yet elegant concept: upcycling spent grain bags from breweries into usable totes for brew enthusiasts, like me.

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Kaitlin McLean McMahan Kaitlin McLean McMahan

Support Sisters

So I started my blog and along with it, my Instagram. Needless to say, I have been overwhelmed by fantastic diversity in the craft beer community on the photo sharing platform. I have learned so much so fast, though I still have a long way to go. I have discovered women making beer, women creating brew centric art, and lots of fellow female craft beer drinkers! I have really enjoyed connecting with different people (male, female, non-binary) who are just kind and encouraging. Believe it or not craft beer people have greatly helped to restore my faith in humanity. Furthermore, this brew inspired quest has given me the strength and fortitude to be there for others while somehow being able to fill my cup even more. I would like to take this opportunity to share some amazing moments with you in hopes that you may want to pass on the light I have found.

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