Support Sisters

March is the best month for so many reasons: my birthday, my brother’s birthday, St. Patrick’s day, sometimes Mardi Gras, ALWAYS lent, and International Women's Day!!!

“What is International Women's Day?” you say.

It’s a day to celebrate women and all our achievements towards equality! Women’s right to vote, to earn equal pay, to buy property without our ex-husband’s approval (my mother had this obstacle, so these changes are still pretty new). I also think of it as a day to support other women. How does this relate to beer? In a lot of ways. First off, I've read a lot about women’s place in the history of beer. I’ve even attended a lecture or two on the subject. But that is actually not my focus today. Today I want to focus on the power of our beautiful voices and our power to encourage one another. This is my love letter, if you will, to my sisters.

If you have gotten a chance to check out my “about me” section, you already know that this blog has been a ten plus year dream of mine. It stemmed from the fact that when I grabbed a beer magazine or read a beer review online, it generally wasn’t a voice I could relate to. As I have mentioned before, I want to be the “Martha Stewart” of beers. I think beers should be served in a pulchritudinous (thank you Big Words for Little Geniuses) way to enhance the experience. For example in the correct glass, with some fresh flowers, and ideally with a refreshment that will enhance the brew’s flavors. I mean a lot goes into beer production, why not the consumption as well?

So I started my blog and along with it, my Instagram. Needless to say, I have been overwhelmed by fantastic diversity in the craft beer community on the photo sharing platform. I have learned so much so fast, though I still have a long way to go. I have discovered women making beer, women creating brew centric art, and lots of fellow female craft beer drinkers! I have really enjoyed connecting with different people (male, female, non-binary) who are just kind and encouraging. Believe it or not craft beer people have greatly helped to restore my faith in humanity. Furthermore, this brew inspired quest has given me the strength and fortitude to be there for others while somehow being able to fill my cup even more. I would like to take this opportunity to share some amazing moments with you in hopes that you may want to pass on the light I have found.


Sister Creators


Before my blog was ever live on the internet I had talked about it with a friend who had just started her own blog. She actually inspired me to write this piece. Last year, she actually had the awesome idea of starting a little support group for those of us working on creating online media. She reached out to a friend who has an amazing dessert themed Instagram and another creator just setting out into the online world. Just having another group of women to bounce ideas off of and come to with questions was amazing! I still find myself leaning on them and the support really helped me get the ball rolling. As my creative process has evolved, I have met other encouraging and wonderful women: a photographer that also works in a brewery, a former brewer who is working on becoming a counselor, and a fantastic printmaker who employs hops in some of her artwork. Really the list could go on and on, and frankly I hope it continues to grow!

Their creative energy gives me power!


Big Sister

I have a big brother, but no biological sisters.  That being said, I have a lot of “adopted” sisters, but only one “BIG sister.” I went to a women’s college. It’s a fairly small school and we didn't have sororities. Instead our whole school was like one big sorority. Your freshman year you got a big sister and your junior year you got a little sister. In so many ways (more than I can count) the big sister who chose me, was the sister I always wanted and needed. First off, I feel like she loves me unconditionally and I hope she knows that I love her the same. I’m not great about staying in touch, but I’m trying to get better. Probably reaching out to people I missed was the best thing to come out of the pandemic. My big sister was one of the people I thought about a lot and finally found time and reasons to reach out. When I told her about starting Brew Flowers she was beyond encouraging! One day I got a little package in the mail. It was the most perfect flower necklace. It’s a daisy, which I love, but it’s also our school’s flower, and she said to celebrate Brew Flowers. I wear it like a talisman.

My Big Sister’s support gives me power! 


My Daisy Talisman


Brew Flower Sisters

How does the song go? Ya know, the one we learned in Girl Scouts…

“Make new friends, but keep the old.

One is silver, the other is gold.”

I’m pretty sure Poppy Don’t Give me Hoppy said her mother embroidered that song on a pillow for her. When I pitched the idea of a flower themed beer blog, they were all in! Helping me with pairing ideas (cookies, board games, etc.), beer runs, heck Golden Wheat even makes sure I have the right lip color for the occasion! The thing is I am blessed with amazing friends! No offense to those of you reading this, but they are likely my biggest fans. In fact Dr. Hazy Daisy (wearing a dress made from one of my Brew Flower designs) told me that she was. I can’t really argue with that. They support me, they inspire me, and they drink beer with me!

Their enthusiasm gives me power!


Cheers! We’re in!


Sister, you’re a Stranger, but you Inspire Me

As I mentioned, Instagram has opened me up to a world of other “Brewtiful” women. You don’t know me, but you inspire me. I see other women putting out their beer reviews, their smiling faces, their sweat checks, and I’m in awe!

Stranger Sister, your confidence gives me confidence and power!


Sister, You Give Me Power

I know we’ve heard it a million times, but we ARE stronger together and much more powerful when we support each other. Even if you don’t realize it you can empower the other women in your life, even strangers and I hope you continue to do so, because I need it and so does she.


My Strawberry “Winter”


A BrewFlower Afternoon in Waynesville