Kaitlin McLean McMahan Kaitlin McLean McMahan

Quilts and Crafts

Back in January my mother asked if I wanted to go to QuiltCon with her, which I thought sounded like an excellent idea!

My mother has always had a way with fabric. When I was a child, she would make a lot of my clothes. Today she spends a great deal of her creative time quilting. My mother has a mathematical and scientific mind, in addition to an eye for beauty. These attributes are clearly expressed in her creations.

Inspired by our impending adventure and her many works of art, this month I was moved to pair quilts with craft brews.

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Kaitlin McLean McMahan Kaitlin McLean McMahan

Today, I’m a Beer Scout

One of my all-time favorite food combinations is beer with cookies! So naturally, I’ve been wanting to do a beer and Girl Scout Cookie pairing for a while. Since Girl Scout Cookie season is upon us, here you go!

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Kaitlin McLean McMahan Kaitlin McLean McMahan

Beer to Bags Sews the Way to Sustainability

I love learning about companies that align with my interests, and I love even more telling others about them. I was thrilled to discover Beer to Bags about a month ago. This is a company and product I can really get behind. It combines two of my favorite things: beer and sustainability!

Beer to Bags is based on a brilliant yet elegant concept: upcycling spent grain bags from breweries into usable totes for brew enthusiasts, like me.

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